We hope the information detailed in the categories listed below help to answer any questions or queries you may have. If they don’t, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us by calling us on 020 8579 3389 or emailing us at [email protected] and we will do our utmost to help. We hope you enjoy your shopping experience with us and thank you for choosing us as your proffered shopping destination for all things Cricket, Tennis and Padel.
Please remember we have a proper store where all the products we list on our website are actually in stock. We do not simply list products from the various brand websites in the hope of getting orders. What we list on our website is what we carry in stock. By all means call us before you make the trip to us, if you need to confirm availability. If you would like to visit our store in London, we are open from Monday to Saturday, 9am - 6pm. We are just 5 minutes walk from Ealing Broadway Station which is on the Central, District and Elizabeth lines. We have meter parking right outside the store as well as numerous car parks all around us. If you are looking to take in the whole experience, we have a brand new state of the art multi screen cinema directly opposite us as well as an endless supply of amazing cafes, restaurants and shops.
W5 5AS
TE: 020 8579 3389